Sunday, February 19, 2006

Daytona 500 Commercials

Young Gun Carl Edwards
After his success last year, Gillette added the Open Wheeler to their “Young Guns” roster.

Fellow Open Wheeler Ryan Newman carves the No. 12 into the "Young Guns" beards. Dale Earnhardt Jr. gets him back by carving the No. 8 into the back of Newman's head.

Tony's House
Tony Stewart shares with Greg Zipadelli what helped him win the Championship.
Every time Tony makes an improvement,

He wins a race.

Obviously this improvement was the Brickyard win.

Not Edwards but Martin Flipps Out
The commercial opens wiht a fan yelling "Hey Carl Do your flip." Edwards is reluctant to do so and Mark Martin siezes the moment and calls in someone in his suit who flips. Martin pretends that he did the gymnastics.

"Crazy old man." Edwards responds.

Kasey Causes Accident
The Kasey Kahne Allstate Accident commercial returned again this year.

Three hotties drive into the track and are distracted by Kahne.

and rear end this sign crushing another car.

Images courtesy of SPEED, NBC and NASCAR Digital Entertainment.
  • In this blog, I will feature what is going on with Open Wheeler's. Race results and news that normaly you would have to search for, you should now be able to find it here. I will also comment from time to time on my two other loves, Hockey and Memphis Tiger Football. Thanks for stopping by. You stay classy racing world.
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  • DISCLAIMER: All blogs are the sole opinion of Blake Johnson and do not necessarly reflect the views and opinions of his employer, any sanctioning body, family or friends. In fact, he may not agree with anyone.