Friday, February 27, 2009

The Crash

The Crash

Like racing, even the best racecars and drivers can be sidelined because of a crash. Well last night the computer at the World Headquarters of Open Wheeler crashed hard. The computer housed several stories that were written for this weekend and the software to provide you with new screen grabs.

We are working to remedy the problem and hope to have it resolved by next week. Until then, we will continue to provide updates from the computer we use for remote updates. Thanks again for visiting.

Images in this blog are courtesy of FX and NASCAR Images.
  • In this blog, I will feature what is going on with Open Wheeler's. Race results and news that normaly you would have to search for, you should now be able to find it here. I will also comment from time to time on my two other loves, Hockey and Memphis Tiger Football. Thanks for stopping by. You stay classy racing world.
  • is a non-incorporated news and opinion website. The material used is the creation of the webmaster, unless otherwise noted. Use of stillframes from broadcasts is part of fair use news arrangements. Any reproduction or other use of the accounts published here without the expressed written consent of Open Wheeler is strictly prohibited.
  • DISCLAIMER: All blogs are the sole opinion of Blake Johnson and do not necessarly reflect the views and opinions of his employer, any sanctioning body, family or friends. In fact, he may not agree with anyone.