Thursday, March 30, 2006

Breaking News Blog: Don’t Stick a Fork in the Hoosier Hundred Yet

Breaking News Blog: Don’t Stick a Fork in the Hoosier Hundred Yet

A news release was sent out by the Indiana State Fairgrounds Thursday saying the Hoosier Hundred would be postponed. That may not totally be the case. Sources close to the organization that sanctions the event told me today that several people are working as hard as they can to make the Hoosier Hundred in May, a reality this year.

I spoke with one of the promoters of the event in Homestead over the weekend and he said the same thing. One possibility is postponing the race until a later date to allow time for the state to put in safety measures that would satisfy concerns. One date potentially being looked at is the F1 weekend. Whatever the case, the Hoosier Hundred needs your support. The folks that run the event haven’t given up.

When the Hoosier Hundred does run, whether it is May or postponed to a later date, race fans need to respond by attending and showing that the promoters, politicians, racers and others that believe in the Hoosier Hundred are right. The Hoosier Hundred matters.

I hope you will join me at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on race day, whenever the race is run.

Images appearing in this blog courtesy of R.E. Technologies.
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